Yo! It’s Sammy.

Welcome to sammysamstyle. I curate my love for fashion, travel, yoga & whatever vibes with me. I hope to inspire you. To help you discover your own inner beauty & vibes.

love & good vibes,


Happy 3!

Happy 3!

A couple of weeks ago, I had a moment of reflection while laying in my bed. It must be running into someone from my past which made me look back. The year 2019 was a year full of miserable events which made me question the Universe, “Why me?!!” That year I was told to leave Human Resources and return to my Accounting job (which I despised) and a situationship ghosted me after he went to Coachella. Lol. I can only look back now and just laugh. I ain’t mad! It is because of those despairing moments, those times of darkness that permitted me to see the light. I stopped my procrastination and created sammysamstyle. I budgeted and saved my money which permitted me to finance a solo trip to Bali, Indonesia. Not only that, I finished my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and the Universe gifted me the sweetest, most thoughtful and loving boyfriend ever!!!

And here we are now. It feels like I came full circle. Almost like the Universe gave me another chance to rewrite my story and begin in the right path. I’ve come to realize those were fleeting moments which I had to go through in order become the person I am now. I am very thankful for the hiccups, trials and tribulation because it brought forth life experiences and lessons. It allowed me to unravel and truly be, whom I’m meant to be. In the present moment, I am content. I am fulfilled. I am loved. I am joyful.

The past three years have blessed me with incredible opportunities and have permitted me to connect and work with many amazing and creative people. Therefore, I celebrate these incredible talents and showcase a compilation of their great work. Photographers from Edmonton, Vancouver, Stockton and Bali! I hope to continue to work with them and as well, attract many like-minded souls to collaborate with. Hope you enjoy it with love. Happy 3 to sammysamstyle!

love and good vibes,


Top to Bottom - @_jaywalker_ @vovchukph, @itskarltho, @yhansonphotography, @megaieo, @yopropho, @pastryturtle, @yuliabodrug, @alberto.rmzv, @hona0609, @irishuynhphotography



Sea-in’ Green

Sea-in’ Green