Photographer: @itskarl_tho
It’s important for me to find balance in my life. It must be the Libra in me desiring to keep my scales in balance. Not leaning too much to the left and not leaning too much to the right. Finding the middle in every situation. It’s been a few years since I practiced self-care. Putting myself first before meeting the needs of others. In the past, I was guilty of disregarding my own personal needs. When friends needed me, I was always there. I devoted my everything. Time and energy. As a result, there was no time and energy for myself. Reflecting on those times, I felt I did it on numerous occasions because I didn’t want to face my own truths. As well, I felt I gave away my everything because I wanted to feel valued and recognized in my relationships. I had no self-acceptance and the ability to recognize myself, as worthy and enough, just as I am. I looked to relationships for recognition and it was done by proving to others what I could do for them. This came to a halt due to the fact, I got burned numerous times. I learned it the hard way. It forced me to recognize, I was hurting myself and I needed to set boundaries and be comfortable with saying, “NO”. This was the start of self-care. Putting my needs, first and foremost, before meeting the needs of others. It’s been rather difficult at times because my innate behavior is to people please. It’s a work-in-progress but I’m slowly learning. One thing which has been consistent to this day, is my “Sammy Days.” All my family and friends are well-aware of “Sammy Days!” It’s a time for me to check in with myself and to do things which nourish my mind, body, and soul.
Advice: Take a moment to check-in with yourself. Designate a time in the day or a day for you. For me, Sammy Days entails: going to my favorite coffee shop, listening to music, working on my blog, reading, attending yoga and pampering myself. I’m taking the time to fill my cup full and to saying “YES” to my inner-child.
““Discover your inner beauty & vibes.” ”
Photographer: @itskarl_tho